Sebab-Sebab Bahasa Inggeris Anda Berkarat

The reasons why your English have gotten rusty are as far as I can think of.

1. Malu Nak Speaking
“Tak payah la speaking..bajet omputih la tu”..Have you ever experienced this situation where you tried to begin a conversation with your friends but in the end, you received such response from them? I did..hahah. Since you don’t want to be called as “poyo” amidst of your friends, you are giving up your enthusiasm conversing in English.

2. Tak Cukup Vocab
If you don’t have sufficient vocabulary, I am sure that most of you would refuse to utilize English as a medium of conversation. You are afraid of making mistakes, not knowing the gist of conversation if somebody talk to you in English and for that reason, you will become a laughing stock.. imagine that orang tanya lain korang jawab lain..kekeke

3. Takut Nak Practice
“Apa korang buat kalau ada mat salleh datang tanya jalan kat korang?” heheh. Actually, there was a hilarious occasion that I had recently witnessed..very funny. A couple of mat salleh came to ask for direction from this boy. Unfortunately, before they opened their mouth, budak tu dah lari..hahaha. Well, if you come across with native speakers and get a chance to speak with them, please do so. A constant practice might improve your English proficiency.

4. Kurang Tulis Entri Dalam Bi
From what I see, only a few bloggers attempt to write their entry fully-written in English. I was told that writing an English entry does not getting much comments and responses from readers. Actually, it depends on your writing styles and how you approach your readers. Jangan la guna bahasa skema..santai je. So, try to write an English entry once in a while..use simple language and put a sense of humours in it and you might be surprised to see how it will turn out.

P/S : Cuba korang tulis entri dalam bahasa inggeris dan link entri korang tu kat sini..nanti aku promote entri dan blog korang :)

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  1. wah..kalau eden tulis entry dalam English, memang banyak la salah grammar.
    Kalau kena tanda, mesti banyak punye merah2 kena buat pembetulan.

  2. 1,2,3,4 semuanya takde pada aku.Aku ni pemalas!Haha

  3. kan bagus kalo aku leh blajar bhsa inggeris dari ko..haha..nak taip satu patah pun menggeletar..

  4. hehe.. kata-kata dri cikgu bahasa ni.. Memang betul tu.. berkarat sebab tak practice

  5. klo ak taip mau lintang pukang ayat..haha...

  6. haha setuju sangat part tak cukup vocab. takut silap mane2 nanti kena bash dengan member. hahadoii. nak practise lebih lagi sebab amik MUET tahun ni :)

  7. betul...!!
    tulis entry dalam english?

  8. teringat blog pertama aku tulis dalam english dan dapat kawan dari sekrang blog tu dan tak tak ada sebab lupa password dan email..haha

  9. haha saya mmg x pndai skeping :P

  10. bila cikgu BI utarakan pendpaat..heheh..betul tu lecturer bi pun selalu ckp.."Practice make perfect!".."Bykkan baca bnda dlm bi"..HAHA..mula2 kekok2 rasa terbeban bila dah biasa..insyaallah..:D taklah berkarat bi tu..HAHA

    p/s: Klu lyeen nk try tulis entry bi..apala rupanya..HAHA

  11. u got a nice entry! i do agree with ur opinion about writing an entry in english. some of my entries are in english. but not fully-written in english. btw, im english communication student and i think it will be nice if u could help me in my subjects. boleh sir nick? :D , email me if u can.

  12. Cabar nampak? tengok satu hari nanti. hehehehe :)

  13. ramai yg paham tp x boleh@tak yakin utk bercakap..kalau blog tulis dlm BI akak mmg jarang baca sbb ........... malas nak pk ;)

  14. Good tips. :)
    Kadang2 pemikiran yang tipikal memang macam tu, sebab tu kadang2 kena abaikan 'bisikan' halus yang boleh menjatuhkan tahap motivasi dalam diri :)

    Seriously nak promote?
    Janji tau. *kelip-kelip mata*

    Haaa, tolong promote yang ni ;p

  15. Muet speaking tahun depan, doakan ea.. :)

  16. Muet speaking tahun depan, doakan ea. :)

  17. once upon a time. hahaha.. bahasa melayu baku lagi masih tunggang langgang , inikan pula nak belajar bahasa omputeh.hehe. alif ba ta pun lom hafal haha. teruk tak sy cikgu ? hehe

  18. tak kosa nak ckp english hehe dr ckp bi baik ckp kelate lgi sedap hehe

  19. suka baca english post tapi yg simple, tak terlalu sarat sebab nnt x habis baca ^_^

  20. 1.2.3. dan 4..semuanya saya. haha..memang tak dinafikan bi sy agak teruk..macam mana nak ambik muet nie..=(

  21. Terbaikkk punye entry laa Nick..!
    Terkena batang hidung pulak..

    Dushh dush dushh..
    Setuju dengan semua kenyataan tuu.. :)

  22. pernah nak cuba dulu..lepas tue terkandas di tengah jalan. hahaha.

    tapi nak cuba jugak ! ahaha

  23. Fie ada tulis in fully english, tapi rasanya banyak grammar mistake. Nanti fie link dekat blog nik. Maluuuu lah nik sebenarnya, fie tak reti sangat in english

  24. @fifie
    nanti fie link entri tu kat blog ni.
    nak baca jugak camne..huhu

  25. no wonder laa sy punyeee englishhh broken tahap gaban :(

  26. hahaha tak pasti pulak dah ada karat tak bahasa inggeris ni :)

  27. sometimes im feel jealous with my frens that writing an entry with english, so when i told them that they are 'terer', they told me that its biase2 je, besides they want to improve their english.. n i think, im not ready exactly to write an entry in english.. keh3.. broken english bleh laa.. haha

  28. semua tu ada pada hana.huhu selamat tahun baru :)

  29. malu nak speaking sebab takot salah..tapi kalau tulis insyaallah superb...hehe (perasan :P)

  30. semua listdekat atas memang ada dekat aku, aku memang fail kalau bab bab engeris nih. hihi

    selamot Tahun 2013, saya mangsa spm 2013 wish me luck

  31. cara paling bagus nak improve bi dengan nynyi lagu bi, banyakkan membaca & speaking :)

  32. okei. aku pernah tulis entry dalam english tp xde keyakinan nak publish... sudah nya delete macam tu jer.. bukan pe. risau grammar berteraburrrrr

  33. Yang no 2 ler...aku selalu failed vocab....hihihihi.
    Datang sini nak mengucapkan Selamat Tahun baru 2013....semoga persahabatan kita kekal berkekalan

  34. saya kadang2 malu, dengan org yg terra lah, tapi kalau pupils tak apa..hentam ja, yg penting sampai. hari tu kena nilai P&P ..alamak katanya grammar kena usaha. So terima ja kritikan..
    Penilai tu memang cari kelemahahn kita

  35. beberapa bulan berenti dari jadi lecturer, tak speaking... lama2 rasa macam "eh apsal english aku cam gini...?" sekarang ni pakat dok cakap ngan anak2... tak kisah la dorang paham ke tak.. yang penting akak ckp english... tapi bagus juga sebab anak2 akan dpt develop english dorang juga... well, simple english is fun! ^_^

  36. ok ok later can sir? i got cherry berry hehe

  37. hello r u..? ngeeee:P

  38. honestly, leeza dah mula rasa englis leeza berkarat.. sgt.. dh nk reput..

  39. Cikgu selalu cakap kat saya. Saya kalau bercakap bagus, tulis entah apa-aoa. Ha, apa comment Abang Nick? Apa masalah saya ni? Nak tulis, lahaiiii lemah.

  40. yup,really agree with u Nick.i'm use a broken english & my grammar is vry poor but i can understand it..
    so, i'm willing to learn it more.. love to here such a good opportunity, guide me pls!!!!

  41. slalunya bla mmbaca mmg bleh fhm..
    klu stkat broken english ble la..
    fluently speaking ni x bape pndi sgt..

  42. Macam sy ni..faham lebih.. nak bercakap tu kurang..kdg2 takde keyakinan nak speaking..huhu:)

  43. pernah jugak tulis entry dalam bi..hehe..tapi yg lame2 dulu punyer..bile bc balik..apakah yg aku cube sampai kan??? aku pon xphm..boleh tk mcm tuh..hoho

  44. haha..smua org tkot salah grammar kan nick..humm..nia pon camtu ms intebiu..kene jgak speaking kan..padan muka..haha

  45. The very one thing about learning any language - you gotta practice and use it! Simple as that. =)

  46. semua yg kat atas ni memang betul.. hurmm..


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